EdgeDB update statement issue#

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So I started to look into how I make changes to nested properties using EdgeQL.


In the following examples some intermediate abstract classes have been removed for purposes of simplifying this example, and the classes shown here is therefore not following the IFC standard accurately

The property subject to change is an array float property @index=2 on the Coordinates property in a IfcCartesianPoint class.

type IfcCartesianPoint extending IfcPoint {
    required property Coordinates -> array<float64>{
        constraint expression on (len(__subject__) = 1 or len(__subject__) = 2 or len(__subject__) = 3)

The IfcCartesianPoint is a property attached quite far down a nested path from a “rooted” element type IfcBuildingElementProxy.

type IfcBuildingElementProxy extending IfcProduct {
    property PredefinedType -> str {

abstract type IfcProduct extending IfcObject {
    link ObjectPlacement -> IfcObjectPlacement;
    link Representation -> IfcProductRepresentation;

abstract type IfcProductRepresentation  {
    property Name -> str;
    property Description -> str;
    required multi link Representations -> IfcRepresentation;

abstract type IfcRepresentation  {
    required link ContextOfItems -> IfcRepresentationContext;
    property RepresentationIdentifier -> str;
    property RepresentationType -> str;
    required multi link Items -> IfcRepresentationItem;

abstract type IfcRepresentationItem  {

type IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extending IfcSweptAreaSolid {
    required link ExtrudedDirection -> IfcDirection;
    required property Depth -> float64;

abstract type IfcSweptAreaSolid extending IfcSolidModel {
    required link SweptArea -> IfcProfileDef;
    link Position -> IfcAxis2Placement3D;

type IfcAxis2Placement3D extending IfcPlacement {
    link Axis -> IfcDirection;
    link RefDirection -> IfcDirection;

abstract type IfcPlacement extending IfcGeometricRepresentationItem {
    required link Location -> IfcCartesianPoint;

So in my first attempt I thought I could simply filter the desired root class and set the property directly like this

UPDATE IfcBuildingElementProxy FILTER .GlobalId=<str>'2JEeZJAlH7Q8pJnuvrn79y'
SET { 
  Representation: { Representations[0] : { Items[0]: { Position: { Location: { Coordinates[2] :=-5.68906497955322, }}}}}

However, that failed with the following error:

Array Update Attempt #1

I then tried by massaging the syntax a little:

UPDATE IfcBuildingElementProxy FILTER .GlobalId=<str>'2JEeZJAlH7Q8pJnuvrn79y'
SET { 
  Representation.Representations[0].Items[0].Position.Location.Coordinates[2] :=-5.68906497955322

which didn’t like my . :(


Then inspired by a with block example from the docs I tried the following

	point := (select IfcBuildingElementProxy.Representation.Representations[0].Items[0].Position.Location FILTER .GlobalId=<str>'2JEeZJAlH7Q8pJnuvrn79y')
update IfcCartesianPoint
set {
	Coordinates := (0,0,-5.68906497955322)

That resulted in a different error

Array Update Attempt #1

Then I tried a lot of different stuff and ended up with something that worked:

  point := (select (select IfcBuildingElementProxy FILTER .GlobalId=<str>'3vJeEVZYzA3vP81uCmY9l4').Representation.Representations.Items[is IfcExtrudedAreaSolid].Position.Location)
UPDATE point
SET { 
  Coordinates := [0,0, -5.68906497955322]

But it only works because there is only 1 element in the Representation multi link and the 1 element of type IfcExtrudedAreaSolid in the Items multi link.

What I would want to do is this:

  point := (select (select IfcBuildingElementProxy FILTER .GlobalId=<str>'3vJeEVZYzA3vP81uCmY9l4').Representation.Representations[0].Items[0][is IfcExtrudedAreaSolid].Position.Location)
UPDATE point
SET { 
  Coordinates := [0,0, -5.68906497955322]

I’ve asked the edgedb devs on help here. Hopefully I’ll get some answers!

With help from the EdgeDB devs I made this work using the following pattern:

  root := (select IfcBuildingElementProxy FILTER .GlobalId=<str>'3vJeEVZYzA3vP81uCmY9l4'),
  lvl1 := (select array_agg(root.Representation.Representations)[0][is IfcShapeRepresentation]),
  lvl2 := (select array_agg(lvl1.Items)[0][is IfcExtrudedAreaSolid]),
select {
  update1 := (
      lvl3 := (select lvl2.Position.Location),
    UPDATE lvl3
    SET {
      Coordinates := [.Coordinates[0], .Coordinates[1], -5.68906497955322]
  update2:= (
    lvl3 := (select lvl2.Position.RefDirection),
  UPDATE lvl3
  SET {
    DirectionRatios := [-1.0, .DirectionRatios[1], .DirectionRatios[2]]