Code Documentation


The main library.

class ada.Assembly(name='Ada', project='AdaProject', user: User = User(user_id='AdaUser', given_name=None, family_name=None, middle_names=None, prefix_titles=None, suffix_titles=None, org_id='ADA', org_name='Assembly For Design and Analysis', org_description=None, role='Engineer'), schema='IFC4X3_add2', metadata=None, units: Units | str = Units.M, enable_cache: bool = False, clear_cache: bool = False, cache_dir: str | Path = None, ifc_class: SpatialTypes = SpatialTypes.IfcSite)

The Assembly object. A top level container of parts, beams, plates, shapes and FEM.

push(comment, bimserver_url, username, password, project, merge=False, sync=False)

Push current assembly to BimServer with a comment tag that defines the revision name

read_fem(fem_file: str | os.PathLike, fem_format: FEATypes | str = None, name: str = None, fem_converter: FemConverters | str = 'default', cache_model_now=False)

Import a Finite Element model. Currently supported FEM formats: Abaqus, Sesam and Calculix

read_ifc(ifc_file: str | os.PathLike | ifcopenshell.file, data_only=False, elements2part=None, create_cache=False)

Import from IFC file.

to_fem(name: str, fem_format: FEATypes | str, scratch_dir=None, metadata=None, execute=False, run_ext=False, mesh_only=False, cpus=1, gpus=None, overwrite=False, fem_converter='default', exit_on_complete=True, run_in_shell=False, make_zip_file=False, return_fea_results=True, model_data_only=False) FEAResult | None

Create a FEM input file deck for executing fem analysis in a specified FEM format. Currently there is limited write support for the following FEM formats:

Open Source

  • Calculix

  • Code_Aster

not open source

  • Abaqus

  • Usfos

  • Sesam

Write support is added on a need-only-basis. Any contributions are welcomed!

  • name – Name of FEM analysis input deck

  • fem_format – Desired fem format

  • scratch_dir – Output directory for analysis input deck

  • metadata – Parse additional commands to FEM solver not supported by the generalized classes

  • execute – Execute analysis on complete

  • run_ext – Run analysis externally or wait for complete

  • cpus – Number of cpus for running the analysis

  • gpus – Number of gpus for running the analysis (wherever relevant)

  • overwrite – Overwrite existing input file deck

  • fem_converter – Set desired fem converter. Use either ‘default’ or ‘meshio’.

  • exit_on_complete

  • run_in_shell

  • make_zip_file

  • return_fea_results

    Automatically import the result mesh into

    Note! Meshio implementation currently only supports reading & writing elements and nodes.

Abaqus Metadata:

‘ecc_to_mpc’: Runs the method convert_ecc_to_mpc() . Default is True ‘hinges_to_coupling’: Runs the method convert_hinges_2_couplings() . Default is True

Important Note! The ecc_to_mpc and hinges_to_coupling will make permanent modifications to the model. If this proves to create issues regarding performance this should be evaluated further.

class ada.Beam(name, n1: Node | Iterable, n2: Node | Iterable, sec: str | Section, mat: str | Material = None, up=None, angle=0.0, e1=None, e2=None, units=Units.M, **kwargs)

The base Beam object

  • n1 – Start position of beam. List or Node object

  • n2 – End position of beam. List or Node object

  • sec – Section definition. Str or Section Object

  • mat – Material. Str or Material object. String: [‘S355’ & ‘S420’] (default is ‘S355’ if None is parsed)

  • name – Name of beam

add_beam_to_node_refs() None

Add beam to refs on nodes

static array_from_list_of_coords(list_of_coords: list[tuple], sec: Section | str, mat: Material | str = None, name_gen: Iterable = None, make_closed=False) list[Beam]

Create an array of beams from a list of coordinates

bbox() BoundingBox

Bounding Box of beam

get_node_on_beam_by_fraction(fraction: float) Node

Returns node as a fraction of the beam length from n1-node.

get_node_on_beam_by_point(point: ndarray) Node

Returns node on beam from point

property length: float

Returns the length of the beam

property ori

Get the x-vector, y-vector and z-vector of a given beam

remove_beam_from_node_refs() None

Remove beam from refs on nodes

property xvec: Direction

Local X-vector

property xvec_e: Direction

Local X-vector (including eccentricities)

property yvec: Direction

Local Y-vector

class ada.BeamRevolve(name: str, curve: CurveRevolve, sec: str | Section, **kwargs)
class ada.BeamSweep(name: str, curve: CurveOpen2d, sec: str | Section, **kwargs)
class ada.BeamTapered(name, n1: Iterable, n2: Iterable, sec: str | Section, tap: str | Section = None, taper_type: TaperTypes | str = TaperTypes.CENTERED, **kwargs)
class ada.Bolts(name, p1, p2, normal, members, parent=None)

TODO: Create a bolt class based on the IfcMechanicalFastener concept.

Which in turn should likely be inside another element components class

class ada.Boolean(primitive, bool_op: BoolOpEnum = BoolOpEnum.DIFFERENCE, metadata=None, parent=None, units=Units.M, guid=None)
class ada.CurvePoly2d(points2d, origin: Iterable | Point = None, normal: Iterable | Direction = None, xdir: Iterable | Direction = None, tol=0.001, parent=None, orientation: Placement = None)

A closed curve defined by a list of 2d points represented by line and arc segments.

class ada.Direction(*iterable)
class ada.FEM(name: 'str', metadata: 'Dict' = <factory>, parent: 'Part' = None, nodes: 'Nodes' = <factory>, ref_points: 'Nodes' = <factory>, ref_sets: 'FemSets' = <factory>, elements: 'FemElements' = <factory>, sets: 'FemSets' = <factory>, sections: 'FemSections' = <factory>, initial_state: 'PredefinedField' = None, subroutine: 'str' = None)
add_interface_nodes(interface_nodes: List[Node | InterfaceNode])

Nodes used for interfacing between other parts. Pass a custom Constraint if specific coupling is needed

add_rp(name: str, node: Node)

Adds a reference point in assembly with a specific name

add_set(fem_set: FemSet, p=None, vol_box=None, vol_cyl=None, single_member=False, tol=0.0001) FemSet
  • fem_set – A fem set object

  • p – Single point (x,y,z)

  • vol_box – Search by a box volume. Where p is (xmin, ymin, zmin) and vol_box is (xmax, ymax, zmax)

  • vol_cyl – Search by cylindrical volume. Used together with p to find nodes within cylinder inputted by [radius, height, thickness]

  • single_member – Set True if you wish to keep only a single member

  • tol – Point Tolerances. Default is 1e-4

add_step(step: _step_types) _step_types

Add an analysis step to the assembly

create_fem_elem_from_obj(obj, el_type=None) Elem

Converts structural object to FEM elements. Currently only BEAM is supported

get_all_bcs() Iterable[Bc]

Get all the boundary conditions in the entire assembly

get_all_masses() Iterable[Mass]

Get all the Masses in the entire assembly

class ada.Group(name: 'str', members: 'list[Part | Beam | Plate | Wall | Pipe | Shape]', parent: 'Part | Assembly', description: 'str' = '', guid: 'str' = <factory>, change_type: 'ChangeAction' = <ChangeAction.NOTDEFINED: 'NOTDEFINED'>)
class ada.Instance(instance_ref: "Union['Part', 'BackendGeom']", placements: 'List[Placement]' = <factory>)
class ada.Material(name, mat_model=CarbonSteel(E:2.100E+11, sig_y:3.550E+08, rho:7.850E+03, plasticity_model:None), mat_id=None, parent=None, metadata=None, units=Units.M, guid=None, ifc_store: IfcStore = None)

The base material class. Currently only supports Metals

class ada.Node(p: Iterable[numeric, numeric, numeric], nid=None, bc=None, r=None, parent=None, units=Units.M, refs=None)

Base node object

property has_refs: bool

Returns if node is valid, i.e. has objects in refs

class ada.Part(name, color=None, placement=None, fem: FEM = None, metadata=None, parent=None, units: Units = Units.M, guid=None, ifc_store: IfcStore = None, ifc_class: SpatialTypes = SpatialTypes.IfcBuildingStorey)

A Part superclass design to host all relevant information for cad and FEM modelling.


alias of SpatialTypes

add_joint(joint: JointBase) JointBase

This method takes a Joint element containing two intersecting beams. It will check with the existing list of joints to see whether or not it is part of a larger more complex joint. It usese primarily two criteria.

Criteria 1: If both elements are in an existing joint already, it will u

Criteria 2: If the intersecting point coincides within a specified tolerance (currently 10mm) with an exisiting joint intersecting point. If so it will add the elements to this joint. If not it will create a new joint based on these two members.


For all beams in a Assembly get all beams touching or within the beam. Essentially a clash check is performed and it returns a dictionary of all beam ids and the touching beams. A margin to the beam volume can be included.


margins – Add margins to the volume box (equal in all directions). Input is in meters. Can be negative.


A map generator for the list of beams and resulting intersecting beams


Moves all sections from all sub-parts to this part

create_objects_from_fem(skip_plates=False, skip_beams=False) None

Build Beams and Plates from the contents of the local FEM object

get_by_name(name) Part | Plate | Beam | Shape | Material | Pipe | None

Get element of any type by its name.

get_part(name: str, search_all_parts_in_assembly=False) Part | None

Get part by name.

read_step_file(step_path, name=None, scale=None, transform=None, rotate=None, colour=None, opacity=1.0, source_units=Units.M, include_shells=False)
  • step_path – Can be path to stp file or path to directory of step files.

  • name – Desired name of destination Shape object

  • scale – Scale the step content upon import

  • transform – Transform the step content upon import

  • rotate – Rotate step content upon import

  • colour – Assign a specific colour upon import

  • opacity – Assign Opacity upon import

  • source_units – Unit of the imported STEP file. Default is ‘m’

class ada.Pipe(name, points, sec, mat='S355', content=None, metadata=None, color=None, units: Units = Units.M, guid=None)
class ada.PipeSegElbow(name, start, midpoint, end, bend_radius, section, material, parent=None, guid=None, metadata=None, units=Units.M, color=None, arc_seg=None)
class ada.PipeSegStraight(name, p1, p2, section, material, parent=None, guid=None, metadata=None, units=Units.M, color=None)
class ada.Placement(origin: 'Iterable | Point' = <factory>, xdir: 'Iterable | Direction' = None, ydir: 'Iterable | Direction' = None, zdir: 'Iterable | Direction' = None, scale: 'float' = 1.0)
static from_axis_angle(axis: list[float], angle: float, origin: Iterable[float | int] = None) Placement

Axis is a list of 3 floats, angle is in degrees.

static from_co_linear_points(points: list[Point] | ndarray, xdir=None, flip_n=False) Placement

Create a placement from a list of points that are co-linear.

rotate(axis: list[float], angle: float) Placement

Rotate the placement around an axis. Returns a new placement.

transform_array_from_other_place(arr: ndarray, other_place: Placement) ndarray

Transform an array of vectors from the coordinate system of this placement to another coordinate system.


Transform points from the global coordinate system to the coordinate system of this placement.


Transform points from the global coordinate system to the coordinate system of this placement.

transform_local_points_to_global(points2d: Iterable[Iterable[float | int, float | int]], inverse=False) np.ndarray

Transform points from the coordinate system of this placement to the global coordinate system.

transform_vector(vec: Iterable[float | int], inverse=False) ndarray

Transform a vector from the coordinate system of this placement to the global coordinate system.

with_zdir(new_zdir: Direction | Iterable[float]) Placement

Returns a new Placement with the zdir transformed to match new_zdir.

class ada.Plate(name: str, points: CurvePoly2d | list[tuple[_NTYPE, _NTYPE]], t: float, mat: str | Material = 'S420', origin: Iterable | Point = None, xdir: Iterable | Direction = None, n: Iterable | Direction = None, orientation: Placement = None, pl_id=None, tol=None, **kwargs)

A plate object. The plate element covers all plate elements.

Contains a dictionary with each point of the plate described by an id (index) and a Node object.

  • name – Name of plate

  • points – List of 2D point coordinates (or a PolyCurve) that make up the plate. Each point is (x, y, optional [radius])

  • t – Thickness of plate

  • mat – Material. Can be either Material object or built-in materials (‘S420’ or ‘S355’)

  • origin – Explicitly define origin of plate. If not set

  • xdir – Explicitly define x direction of plate. If not set

  • n – Explicitly define normal direction of plate. If not set

bbox() BoundingBox

Bounding Box of plate

property n: Direction

Normal vector

property t: float

Plate thickness

class ada.PlateCurved(name, face_geom: Geometry, t: float, mat: str | Material = 'S420', **kwargs)
class ada.Point(*iterable)
get_3d() Point

Returns self if it is a 3D point, or if self is 2d point a new 3d Point copy is returned.

class ada.PrimBox(name, p1, p2, **kwargs)

Primitive Box. Length, width & height are local x, y and z respectively

class ada.PrimCone(name, p1, p2, r, **kwargs)
class ada.PrimCyl(name, p1, p2, r, **kwargs)
class ada.PrimExtrude(name, curve: list[tuple], h, normal=None, origin=None, xdir=None, tol=0.001, **kwargs)
class ada.PrimRevolve(name, points, rev_angle, origin=None, xdir=None, normal=None, tol=0.001, **kwargs)

Revolved Primitive

class ada.PrimSphere(name, cog, radius, **kwargs)
class ada.PrimSweep(name, sweep_curve: Iterable[Iterable[float]] | CurveOpen3d, profile_curve_outer: Iterable[Iterable[float]] | CurvePoly2d, profile_xdir=None, origin=None, derived_reference=False, tol=0.001, **kwargs)
class ada.Shape(name, geom: Geometry | list[Geometry] | None = None, color=None, opacity=1.0, mass: float = None, cog: Iterable = None, material: Material | str = None, units=Units.M, metadata=None, guid=None, placement=Placement(origin=Point([0., 0., 0.]), xdir=Direction([1., 0., 0.]), ydir=Direction([0., 1., 0.]), zdir=Direction([0., 0., 1.]), scale=1.0), ifc_store: IfcStore = None, ifc_class: ShapeTypes = ShapeTypes.IfcBuildingElementProxy, parent=None)

alias of ShapeTypes

class ada.Transform(translation: 'np.ndarray' = None, rotation: 'Rotation' = None)
class ada.Units(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
class ada.User(user_id: str = 'AdaUser', given_name: str = None, family_name: str = None, middle_names: str = None, prefix_titles: str = None, suffix_titles: str = None, org_id: str = 'ADA', org_name: str = 'Assembly For Design and Analysis', org_description: str = None, role: str = 'Engineer')
class ada.Wall(name, points, height, thickness, placement=Placement(origin=Point([0., 0., 0.]), xdir=Direction([1., 0., 0.]), ydir=Direction([0., 1., 0.]), zdir=Direction([0., 0., 1.]), scale=1.0), offset='CENTER', metadata=None, color=None, units=Units.M, guid=None, opacity=1.0)

alias of WallJustification

class ada.Weld(name, p1, p2, weld_type: WeldProfileEnum | str, members, profile: list[tuple], xdir: tuple, groove: list[tuple] = None, parent=None)
ada.deprecated(reason: str)

A decorator to mark functions or classes as deprecated. Emits a warning when the function or class is used, including the module path.


reason – Explanation of why the function/class is deprecated.

ada.from_fem(fem_file: str | list | Path, fem_format: str | list = None, name: str | list = None, enable_cache=False, source_units=Units.M, fem_converter='default') Assembly

Create an Assembly object from a FEM file.

ada.from_genie_xml(xml_path, **kwargs) Assembly

Create an Assembly object from a Genie XML file.

ada.from_ifc(ifc_file: os.PathLike | ifcopenshell.file, units=Units.M, name='Ada') Assembly

Create an Assembly object from an IFC file.

ada.from_step(step_file: str | Path, source_units=Units.M, **kwargs) Assembly

Create an Assembly object from a STEP file.